full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Judith Heumann: Our fight for disability rights -- and why we're not done yet

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But I was lienrang as my friends were, and people I didn't know around the country, that we had to be our own advocates, that we needed to fight back people's view that if you had a dilaiisbty, you needed to be cured, that equality was not part of the equation. And we were learning from the Civil rhtgis Movement and from the Women's Rights Movement. We were learning from them about their activism and their ability to come together, not only to discuss problems but to discuss solutions. And what was born is what we call toady the Disability Rights mevneomt.

Open Cloze

But I was ________ as my friends were, and people I didn't know around the country, that we had to be our own advocates, that we needed to fight back people's view that if you had a __________, you needed to be cured, that equality was not part of the equation. And we were learning from the Civil ______ Movement and from the Women's Rights Movement. We were learning from them about their activism and their ability to come together, not only to discuss problems but to discuss solutions. And what was born is what we call _____ the Disability Rights ________.


  1. rights
  2. learning
  3. today
  4. disability
  5. movement

Original Text

But I was learning as my friends were, and people I didn't know around the country, that we had to be our own advocates, that we needed to fight back people's view that if you had a disability, you needed to be cured, that equality was not part of the equation. And we were learning from the Civil Rights Movement and from the Women's Rights Movement. We were learning from them about their activism and their ability to come together, not only to discuss problems but to discuss solutions. And what was born is what we call today the Disability Rights Movement.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
disabled people 9
rights movement 3
understood discrimination 2
parents lost 2
high schools 2
long island 2
oral exam 2
medical exam 2
civil rights 2
ted talk 2
president bush 2
bush signed 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
president bush signed 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. activism
  3. advocates
  4. born
  5. call
  6. civil
  7. country
  8. cured
  9. disability
  10. discuss
  11. equality
  12. equation
  13. fight
  14. friends
  15. learning
  16. movement
  17. needed
  18. part
  19. people
  20. problems
  21. rights
  22. solutions
  23. today
  24. view